=== Call for Participation and Abstracts ===
This workshop welcomes participants and abstracts from any area of Synthetic Biology and related fields, including, but not limited to:
* the design and engineering of molecular, cellular and population-based computation,
* domain-specific languages for the specification of biological computation,
* theories and applications of biological computation.
In addition to invited speakers, we will be accepting a few abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
Abstracts up to 2 pages in length following [[http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/nature/ecal2015/submissions.html|the formatting guidelines]] of the ECAL conference should be submitted to [[mailto:toprob@newcastle.ac.uk|toprob@newcastle.ac.uk]].
For accepted abstracts, we will later request a short summary paragraph.
* '''Abstract submission deadline: 4th May 2015''' {{{#!html
17th April 2015
* '''Notification of acceptance: 29th May 2015''' {{{#!html
15th May 2015
=== ACS Synthetic Biology Special Issue ===
We are happy to announce that we will edit an [[ACS Synthetic Biology Special Issue on Programmable Biology]]. All workshop participants are invited to contribute to this issue.